Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24, 2014


I can't think of letter titles anymore! But hey, what do you do?!

This week we had a General Authority visit our mission. His name is Elder Dyches and he is in the Europe Area Presidency. He had just visited the Adriatic South Mission! He said the missionaries there have it really different than us because in the smaller branches they don't have ward mission leaders and things so the missionaries have to do a lot more. Sounds like an adventure. My mission is the longest running in the world I think! Crazy. 

But anyway his training was good. He was a mission president in the Portland, Oregon, mission a while back. I guess our mission won't be getting iPads for a while now. I honestly don't even really want one because of the rain and weight and dropping my bag all of the time.

I had my first Stake Conference in England! They know how to do it here. It was really powerful. English saints are stalwart and there seems to be a greater sense of urgency to serve and repent here. You kind of lose that in Utah when everyone is a member. It's like Utah is the Nephites in the Book of Mormon, prospering among the Saints, and England is like a smaller people among the Lamanites.

Our foremost investigator Amanda is doing okay. We might drop her for a little bit since she's not really progressing. I think if I wasn't a member I would think like her. It's hard for her to believe anything but obedience is easy. It's weird. Our teaching pool sort of crumbled this week except for a few. Transfer calls are on Saturday and President Ulrich already told me I'm leaving so it's kind of tough to care anymore here haha but I'm going to pretend like I'm staying, especially if I actually do! 

This week was not great as far as attitude and finding new investigators between Elder Curtis and I haha. It's good it's Thanksgiving so I can repent with the world! We kind of rollercoaster with the weather and our investigators. But I'm becoming stronger so it's worth it! We did meet a Chinese girl named Zoe though who had met loads of missionaries and loves the church who we hopefully will start teaching. I think at the very last minute when I am spent we get little miracles :)

The picture is of Elder Macmeikan and I. He's from Essex, England, and goes home soon. He was in my first district and I really like him, he sings amazingly and has a cool story of deciding to come on a mission. And not to be vain but isn't my British haircut crazy? They do things weird here.

I am grateful this week for all of you and the roles you played in helping me become ready for this little adventure. I wouldn't be able to do it without relying on your examples and support. I am grateful for the hope that Christ brings into others' lives, especially my own right now. I think a mission is hard mostly to show missionaries just how amazing the life He led was. I truly have learned that He has all power and knows us perfectly. I am grateful for His sacrifice to change eternity forever and invite you and myself to make Him a more active part of your day.

The Internet is really bad today so I'm going to stop here.

Love you all so much,
Elder Webb

Mom, I got the package to open on December 1! I am excited. And we ate all the Reese's Puffs. They were amazing. No one does cereal like the USA! Elder Curtis is making a scripture case out of the box. Glad what I sent home got there and thanks for sorting it all out :)

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