Monday, September 15, 2014

September 15, 2014


I am just laughing at the computer right now with all the random stuff that I learn about your lives back home. I can now say I am an uncle to eight! That is crazy as it comes. Keep those kids safe for me. They are so lucky to grow up in a Gospel centered home. I realized that in Utah church leaders play a much smaller part in our lives because of the strong Priesthood families. Without this the ward has to be much more of a family and it really is a blessing to live in an area where the Gospel is so widespread.

So Sister Sun left this week, Sister Mangelson's niece. It is so weird because I remember her announcing her mission call in mission prep two years ago and thinking how strange of a mission call that was and now I served around her in her last transfer. She was an amazing missionary and sort of like my trainer, she walked away a mission legend. I hope to do the same! There is a clear difference between missionaries who understand their work and those that don't.

So did you all know my mission is called the cradle of the Restoration? There is this mission song we have that I listened to the other day and I realized I will really miss this place one day. The most special part is that where the original Saints came from, Liverpool, Preston, Manchester, and Wales, is where I will serve to lay the groundwork of the Saints in China one day. It is so powerfully symbolic and I am overwhelmed with gratitude to be here.

I realized this week that I can finally say I would rather be on my mission than back home. Don't take that to mean I don't love and miss you all, but it really is such an important time. There is nothing like being a missionary; it is an exalted lifestyle. It is odd that the aspect of my mission that I was least excited for, all of the trials and hardships, is what has made me love it. Everything in this like is about redemption through Jesus Christ and His doctrine. Please focus on these things!!!

As for the activities of the week, I honestly don't even remember. This week is when all the freshman come in and they are sending ten companionships down each day to work the universities. Pray that we might find those who are prepared. There are supposedly 50,000 students at least moving in this week, so it should be pretty crazy.

Mom, your pictures came in the mail and the stories. I am so excited to read them and I think I will get my package from the Mayletts on Wednesday. The office has it right now. I couldn't stop laughing at all the pictures you sent me hahahaha. I usually don't have time to read Spencer's emails so I don't know what goes on. I hope to get a letter from Kaden! I hope the ward is talking about how handsome I am in my mission plaque picture. Hey also can you call BYU and see if my AP test scores from 2013 will expire by the time I get back. I can't remember if I sent them.

Dad, maybe you can take up fly fishing with Brother Holley haha. I am jealous you got to go to Mirror Lake. Mom's pictures of you working at Matt's were so funny, I can just imagine all the drama of getting things down.

Scott, I can't believe that is what your workplace looks like. Make sure you go fellowshipping to those recent converts, they need just as much help as investigators! I see now what you mean about wards outside of Utah, they really are so much fun. Also they love the fact that they aren't in Utah. I haven't seen sunshine in 2 months so enjoy those clouds! Haha just kidding but I have forgotten that it's always sunny in the US.

Love you all and go out and find someone who needs to feel God's love in their lives. Take a retrospective chastisement to myself before my mission, if you think you are too busy to serve or share the Gospel or there is no one around you who needs help, you are missing out on one of the most important parts of following Jesus Christ.

-Elder Webb

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